Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Wow, I'm perturbed...

I'm sad. Why am I sad? Because our beautiful guest artist is gone, Jordan's attempt to set me up is coming back to haunt me, and mother is insisting on getting some demon kitten. Joy. Anyway, it's time for me to whine. I don't want to talk to this guy. I really really don't. I read his profile and the note that was strategically put in my guitar strings and he just seems really stupid and/or annoying. I know I'm being judgmental but I don't know the guy so why the hell would I want to be set up with him? I don't even want to be set up with people I do know!!! (Maybe if I lie and tell him I'm a lesbian he'll leave me alone...) And he messed with my guitar!!!!!! *If looks could kill...* But at least he's not stalking me. I mean, it could be worse. And what really pisses me off about this, is that if I wanted to be set up I'd act really desperate and whine about how life is so cruel and that I'm going to die alone and miserable and no one likes me and oh tragedy. But I don't!!!! Why start something (in high school meaning it's pointless, shallow, and insignificant) when I have better things to do with my time? OK. The personal quote on his profile is "Don't mind if I dippy-do." What the heck is that?!?!?! I feel somewhat insulted... And I'm not even going to start with the note in my strings. holler playa? What, is he trying to be ghetto or something?!?! You know what, blink 182's "I Miss You" video is on TV and Mark looks like Billie Joe and Tom's just plain beautiful in this video so I'm going to my happy place!!!!!!! Ahhh I can't go to my happy place when I'm all flustered!!!!!!!!!!!! (I wish Mark had longer hair) And even if I did IM him and talked to him and actually ended up maybe kinda liking him, I'd never admit to it and it would be yet another pointless waste of my time. You know what, this is just making me angry. Or I guess a better word is perturbed. That is what I am. Perturbed.

per*turb vb : to disturb greatly esp. in mind : UPSET -- per*tur*ba*tion n

That is what I am. And that's enough of my babble. Farewell to whoever's reading this (which is probably me)!