Monday, December 29, 2003

Lists, Drummer hair, Phil Collins...

ya know how singers and bands always have a list of stuff they want for concerts and stuff? some people want sparkling water, others want a room that's completely white, stuff like that. The Ataris ask for a donkey every time. No one's given it to them. Maybe if they asked for a monkey... Like, a specific kind of monkey. Or a chimp. april, if OCD didn't suck, i think you should ask for your monkey, and if you get it, then we can keep it on the bus. i don't know what i'd ask for. maybe keanu reeves.... or john rzeznik... or a guitar... no, i think i had the right idea before... you know what's weird... drummers seem to like mohawks... like, travis. and the guy from no doubt. and the guy from sugarcult... just imagine phil collins with one... haha! ya know, that's a good idea... photoshop is your friend... maybe phil wants liberty spikes... you know, i'm going to do that. now, in fact. if you want a picture of the finished product, e-mail me and i'll send it to you. it should be interesting...

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Merry Christmas!

When I was a kid, my parents used to tell me that Santa Claus was really an escaped mental patient who murdered one bad little girl every Christmas. Other kids got presents, but when I woke up Christmas morning, I was glad just to be alive. So don't tell me about Christmas spirit, Mr. Psychiatrist!

*Happy Holidays*

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Birds, my cousin, other stuff...

If you were a bird, what kind would you be? I mean, you could be a puffin... Those are pretty nifty. I mean, who doesn't like puffins? only weird people!!! Or a penguin, if you liked cold weather. You could be an Adelie, a Chinstrap, an Emperor, a Macaroni, a Galapogus... I mean, there's like this whole range of penguins you could be! Or you could be an emu... Or I guess if you were stupid you could be a goose or a turkey. Personally, I'd want to be a Periguine Falcon... Those birds are freaking awesome! I mean, no one messes with a falcon. They actually have half a brain... *what a thought* crows are smart too. and blue jays... the guy from Brand New kinda looks like my cousin... I don't know if that's a good thing... I really can't spell. We did a penguin unit in ALPHA in elementary school. My penguin was the Adelie... I liked the name and they bird was all pretty... You know it really... crap, i forgot what i was gonna say. maybe i was gonna say that it really doesn't matter... or something to that effect. or that something makes me mad. my cousin makes me mad. not as much when he takes his medication, but more than he should... if i was a calendar, i'd have lots of pictures of stuff. i mean, i'd have guitars, and cheese, and things that are red, and maybe a puffin or two, and some cats, and a picture of a really pretty foot. probably some other stuff, but that's not important. have you noticed that a lot of guys in bands have really whiney girly voices? it's really odd... dude, this lady on TV has light up boobs... that's odd... of course this band is odd. wow. that was borderline scary. anyway... yeah. puffins. cool bird.

Monday, December 22, 2003

Hello everyone!

Hello!!! Yeah, we've got like termite damage and stuff so as of now, we have no door. And it's like, too early for me to be awake. i have nothing to say!!!!!! this is like the most pointless thing ever. i could at least make it interesting. but i won't. Post something so i can argue with you!

Sunday, December 21, 2003

More bands. Feel free to add.

MXPX + Alien Ant Farm + Motion City Sountrack = The Reunion Show

Go watch their video at!

Yes, you reading this now. Go watch it. Now. Not later, now. Yes, now. No excuses. There'll be a quiz on Monday.

and while you're at it, go to and check them out. i need to go to sleep. it's like 3:21 AM. it's like, i read something on a message board that says "go check out this band" and I do and then i click on links and it leads me to other bands and it's like this never ending cycle...

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Count the Stars

Oh yes! I just wanted to add that Count the Stars is a pretty nifty band as well. There's a link to their site on the left side of this page, as well as links to other bands' sites! They're updated whenever I feel like it so, don't be surprised if a band breaks up and I don't notice that the site is non exsistant for a month...

Band, HTML, Channel

Hello all!!!! Michelle found a new band today. Their name is Spindle. Go to and check them out! They're pretty nifty. So. Your assignment for today is to go to their website, go to media, and then go to the MP3 player and listen!!! YAY!!!!! Yes. Yeah I did all this spiffy HTML stuff and it didn't work. Makes me sad. Oh well. Whatever. I'll have to go somewhere that cooperates and do it there. You know, what really makes me mad is that at the bottom of this stupid thing it says, "Note: Journal entries are limited to a total of 2,500 characters. This includes spaces and invisible HTML that's used to add hyperlinks or change the look of your text." meaning you can do HTML. I spent like ten whole minutes of my life doing that and it didn't even work. *sigh* Whatever... Oh! I also discovered a channel called Fuel. I suggest you check it out. It's like skateboarding and stuff and music and they start shows at random times and it amuses me. Well, I should probably shut up and move on. Go to my website!!! (oh yes, just what you want to do. read more pointless rambling) Well, that's all I really have to say. ttyl! go to!!!!!