Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Birds, my cousin, other stuff...

If you were a bird, what kind would you be? I mean, you could be a puffin... Those are pretty nifty. I mean, who doesn't like puffins? only weird people!!! Or a penguin, if you liked cold weather. You could be an Adelie, a Chinstrap, an Emperor, a Macaroni, a Galapogus... I mean, there's like this whole range of penguins you could be! Or you could be an emu... Or I guess if you were stupid you could be a goose or a turkey. Personally, I'd want to be a Periguine Falcon... Those birds are freaking awesome! I mean, no one messes with a falcon. They actually have half a brain... *what a thought* crows are smart too. and blue jays... the guy from Brand New kinda looks like my cousin... I don't know if that's a good thing... I really can't spell. We did a penguin unit in ALPHA in elementary school. My penguin was the Adelie... I liked the name and they bird was all pretty... You know it really... crap, i forgot what i was gonna say. maybe i was gonna say that it really doesn't matter... or something to that effect. or that something makes me mad. my cousin makes me mad. not as much when he takes his medication, but more than he should... if i was a calendar, i'd have lots of pictures of stuff. i mean, i'd have guitars, and cheese, and things that are red, and maybe a puffin or two, and some cats, and a picture of a really pretty foot. probably some other stuff, but that's not important. have you noticed that a lot of guys in bands have really whiney girly voices? it's really odd... dude, this lady on TV has light up boobs... that's odd... of course this band is odd. wow. that was borderline scary. anyway... yeah. puffins. cool bird.

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