Saturday, December 20, 2003

Band, HTML, Channel

Hello all!!!! Michelle found a new band today. Their name is Spindle. Go to and check them out! They're pretty nifty. So. Your assignment for today is to go to their website, go to media, and then go to the MP3 player and listen!!! YAY!!!!! Yes. Yeah I did all this spiffy HTML stuff and it didn't work. Makes me sad. Oh well. Whatever. I'll have to go somewhere that cooperates and do it there. You know, what really makes me mad is that at the bottom of this stupid thing it says, "Note: Journal entries are limited to a total of 2,500 characters. This includes spaces and invisible HTML that's used to add hyperlinks or change the look of your text." meaning you can do HTML. I spent like ten whole minutes of my life doing that and it didn't even work. *sigh* Whatever... Oh! I also discovered a channel called Fuel. I suggest you check it out. It's like skateboarding and stuff and music and they start shows at random times and it amuses me. Well, I should probably shut up and move on. Go to my website!!! (oh yes, just what you want to do. read more pointless rambling) Well, that's all I really have to say. ttyl! go to!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Okay michelle, spindle isn't that good................

Anonymous said...

they're not bad. i much prefer the god awfuls, but it held my attention (which is saying something)